Thursday, June 9, 2011

you've been in nepal too long

when your friends put into words something you have been thinking about for along time. my dear friend cocomo  put together this blog post about life and living in KTM/Nepal

you know you've been in nepal too long  when you stop paying attention to the political protests and rallies


Monday, June 6, 2011

sleep deprivation central

yes yes blog neglect, I would say its probably because everything seems very ordinary after 7 months\ and im lacking inspiration but really...i suspect its just severe sleep deprivation.

i have recently come to the conclusion that kathmandu, might be the noisiest place on the planet. this conclusion isnt based on rigorous analystical studies, well collected data and tested noise pollution and decibel levels, but more on the fact that I havent had a decents night sleep in 7 months and the fact that currently Im listening to
   a. dogs barking
     b consistent beeping and noise traffic
      c . the girls i share my office with sing along off tune to their ipods (separately)
      d. the office reception phone ringing
.      and e. office chitchat.

in descending order of annoyaing i would rate C as the worst and B as the easiest to block out
I recently went to sydney for a week or so, and despite the fact that i was sleeping in my parents kitchen on an inflatable mattress , it was about the best sleep ive had since moving to nepal (the other best sleeps would have been a. while trekking and b. a weekend in bangkok) my parents were amazed that I could sleep through their morning coffee and breakfast routine , the kookaburras and TV and awake at the leisurely hour of 10am,  I explained that  hearing a coffee machine in the morning is about the least offensive morning wake up call i have heard in the  past 7 months.

this morning I woke up from some pretty dead slumber to what sounded like a truck driving through my dreams, i thought maybe i had over slept, but was 545 am. shortly thereafter the dogs started (the dogs who had only stopped at 12 midnight...and i only know this as thats when I gave in and put in some ear plugs) then the saag walla started his daily routine of shouting out if anyone was interested in buy his very good ssaag at 6am , followed by the rubbish guy followed by increasing traffic , followed by every other imaginable noise, dance music, the kid next door playing his bass, someone bouncing a catch my sleep deprived gist ...and I don't just blame the nepalis for getting up and at 6am, i blame the builders for not building well insulated houses, and no double glazed windows, and the fact that i sleep above a corner where EVERY car that goes past beeps to let traffic coming the other way know they are coming through, (rather than slow down).
but its not just my bedroom, its the streets – riding and walking along the streets would be enough to give the feint hearted a headache... its the office which echoes like a canyon , or my colleagues who have nothing to do sit and gossip all day

KTM, i do like you, alot, but let a girl get some uninterrupted sleep every know any then